We use only
certified domestic

No artificial sweeteners,
colors, chemical additives, etc.

No sugar or preservatives,
 just the natural flavors and
nutrition of the ingredients.

Wood-fired in a cast iron cauldron

We are the only traditional food company in Korea that produces handmade health foods with sincerity since we reproduce, without any changes, the traditional methods of the Changnyeong Sung’s family that’s been handed down from generation to generation.

Certified high-quality traditional foods

Certifications include the HACCP Certification, the Traditional Food Certification, and the Venture Company Certification. Patents include the Fermented Concentrate Manufacturing patent, and the Sikhye (sweet rice drink) Manufacturing patent. Featured on various media, such as KBS Korean Table, 6 o'clock My Hometown, Live Information, EBS Korea Travel, etc. Sung Samsup / Manufacturing traditional foods such as grain syrup, beef bone soup, Makgeolli, and soybean sauce. 

화학 첨가물이 없습니다.

설탕 방부제 색소등을 첨가하지 않고,
원재료의 본연의 맛만 담았습니다.

무쇠가마솥에 장작불

삼백년 이상 내려오는 집안의 비법대로
무쇠가마솥에 장작불로 원재료의
 순수한 맛을 내는

국내 유일한 전통수제품
 전문회사 입니다.

인증받은 고품질의 전통식품

경남관광기념공모전 금상, 벤처농업창업경연대회 농림부 장관상,
국림품질관리원 최우수상, 전통식품인증, 친환경무농약인증,
로하스, 벤처기업인증, KBS 한국재발견, 6시 내 고향 등에
방영된 전통수제품 입니다.

Yeonho Traditional Foods · 26-1, Mita-ro 1-gil, Burim-myeon, Uiryeong-gun, Gyeongsangnam-do, Republic of Korea
CEO Sung Samsup · CS +82-55-574-9716 ss4971@hanmail.net
Online sales registration 2009-5390053-30-2-00006
Business registration number 608-17-78799
Personal information manager Sung Samsup